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Abusive Client Policy

We do not tolerate unreasonable behavior, regardless of the level of stress, anger, or frustration. This includes any actions, words, or gestures that could cause distress or discomfort to others.

This policy helps us ensure everyone is treated fairly and with respect. It outlines behaviors we consider unacceptable and how we will address them. This applies to all our clients and helps protect our staff from harm.

Our Commitment

You can expect that our employees will always provide a fair, open, proportionate, and accessible service, listen and understand, treat everyone who contacts us with respect, empathy, and dignity, and behave in line with the Civil Service Code.

We expect that everyone interacts with us respectfully and in a way that allows us to do our best work for all our clients and does not hamper our ability to carry out our work effectively and efficiently for the benefit of all.

Safety and Responsibility

The safety of our clients and others is our priority, and we have a responsibility to act on threats of harm. This may involve disclosing information to healthcare professionals or the police to protect individuals and the public.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

We will not tolerate any abusive behavior or language, whether written or spoken, that could make our staff feel afraid, threatened, or abused. This includes threatening emails, phone calls, and comments on social media or in person.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any language or behavior that is insulting or degrading, which includes inappropriate jokes, suggestive comments, false accusations, or any language that demeans or humiliates others; physically threatening or violent; we do not accept derogatory remarks based on race, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, religion, beliefs, or any other personal characteristic.

Service Limitations

Understandably, clients may sometimes have requests that are difficult to fulfill. While we strive to accommodate everyone, there may be limitations on what we can reasonably provide. These limitations may relate to:

  • The extent of information: we may not be able to provide every piece of information requested, especially if it is confidential, commercially sensitive, or beyond the scope of our services
  • Service expectations: while we aim to provide excellent service, we may not be able to meet every expectation, particularly if it involves unreasonable demands or goes beyond our usual service offerings
  • Communication volume: we value communication, but excessive correspondence can sometimes hinder our ability to address all client needs efficiently
  • Desired outcomes: While we strive for positive results, some requested remedies or outcomes may be unrealistic or unattainable due to legal, practical, or market constraints

We will always communicate openly and honestly with our clients about any limitations and work with them to find the best possible solutions within reasonable boundaries.

Understanding Persistence

We understand that persistence does not always equate to unacceptable behavior. We recognize that every situation is unique, and what might be considered an unreasonable demand in one case may not be in another. We are committed to reviewing each complaint individually and carefully considering all relevant factors before reaching a decision.

We understand that people may feel strongly about their case. However, if an issue has been fully addressed through our normal procedures, continued contact about the same matter can become unreasonable. This can strain our resources and impact our ability to serve other clients effectively.

Examples of Unreasonable or Inappropriate Behavior

  • Not following our complaints process: we have a clear process for handling complaints, and we ask that you follow it
  • Repeatedly pursuing a resolved complaint: if we have fully investigated your complaint and you have not appealed to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), or the PHSO has already reviewed your case, we may consider further complaints on the same issue to be unreasonable
  • Overwhelming us with contact: please allow us reasonable time to respond to your enquiries before sending multiple follow-ups
  • Insisting on a specific staff member: while we try to accommodate preferences, we may offer alternative contacts if your preferred staff member is unavailable
  • Visiting our offices unannounced: please schedule an appointment before visiting our offices to ensure someone is available to assist you
  • Dwelling on minor issues: we ask that you keep your concerns proportionate to their significance and avoid fixating on minor details
  • Making duplicate complaints: please avoid submitting the same complaint to multiple staff members
  • Threatening or using violence: any form of threat or violence towards our staff is unacceptable
  • Being abusive or aggressive: we expect all interactions with our staff to be respectful and courteous
  • Recording without consent: please obtain consent before recording any meetings or conversations (whether face-to-face or on the telephone)

Our Response to Unacceptable Behavior

We understand that dealing with unacceptable behavior can be difficult. Our employees have the right to protect themselves from abuse. If a client behaves unacceptably, our staff may:

  • Pause the conversation: put callers on hold to de-escalate the situation
  • End the interaction: end a call or meeting if the abusive behavior continues
  • Refrain from responding: we may not reply to abusive emails or letters but will review them to ensure no new issues are raised

We are committed to supporting our employees and ensuring a respectful workplace. Everyone deserves to be treated with courtesy and consideration.

Steps We Will Take

If a client continues to behave unacceptably, we will take the following steps:

  • Explain and request change: we will clearly explain why their behavior is unacceptable and ask them to modify it
  • Protect our staff: if the behavior does not improve, our employees will end the interaction (e.g., end the call or leave the meeting)
  • Investigate and take action: a manager will be informed, a record will be kept, and the situation will be investigated. We may limit the client's contact with us to protect our staff
  • Involve the police if necessary: if a crime is threatened or committed, we will contact the police

Communication Restrictions

If a client's unacceptable behavior persists, a senior manager may restrict their communication with us, either temporarily or permanently. If this happens, we will inform the client of:

  • The reason for the restriction: we will clearly explain why their behavior is considered unacceptable
  • The nature of the restriction: we will detail the specific limitations on communication, including any time limits

This information will also be documented in our records. We believe in transparency and fairness, even when addressing challenging situations.

Possible Restrictions

If we need to restrict communication with a client, the restrictions might include:

  • Written communication only: all communication may be required to be in writing (e.g., through email or letter)
  • Designated contact: communication may be limited to a specific individual within our organisation
  • Social media restrictions: the client may be removed from our social media platforms and blocked from interacting with our accounts
  • Specific contact channels: communication may be restricted to a specific email address or telephone number
  • No further response: we may not respond to further correspondence if the issues raised have already been addressed
  • Other limitations: we may implement other appropriate limitations as needed, in line with this policy and the specific circumstances

Additional Measures

We also reserve the right to:

  • Limit contact times: restrict telephone contact to specific times and days
  • Assign a designated contact: all communication may be directed through a single, nominated employee
  • Restrict topics: limit correspondence to specific issues or topics
  • Block contact: block emails or telephone numbers if the volume of communication becomes excessive
  • Refuse further contact: in exceptional circumstances, we may refuse to consider further complaints or communication
  • Take other necessary action: implement any other measures deemed necessary to enforce this policy

Legal Action

If serious circumstances warrant it, we may take legal action to prevent further unacceptable behavior or contact. We are committed to protecting our staff and maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

When considering legal action in response to unacceptable behavior, we will carefully weigh several factors:

  • Impact on our staff: we will assess how legal action might affect our employees' well-being and workload
  • Impact on the individual: we will consider the individual's circumstances, including any vulnerabilities or need for reasonable adjustments, and how legal action might affect them
  • Potential for engagement: we will evaluate whether further engagement or assistance could help resolve the situation without legal action
  • Status of the issue: we will consider the extent to which the process or subject matter has been exhausted and whether all other avenues have been explored

Reviewing Restrictions

We will regularly review any communication restrictions and, when appropriate, may lift some or all of them.

Inclusivity and Fairness

This policy is designed to be inclusive and fair to everyone. We comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty, which means we consider the needs of individuals with protected characteristics and make reasonable adjustments where necessary.

We understand that some people may have difficulty communicating clearly or appropriately. We will always take individual needs and circumstances into account before taking any action. This includes making reasonable adjustments to support individuals with protected characteristics. However, this does not mean we will tolerate abusive or unacceptable behavior.

If we need to restrict communication with someone who has a protected characteristic, we will carefully consider whether the restriction might disproportionately affect them. If so, we will make alternative arrangements to ensure they can still access our services.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

We understand that dealing with complaints can be frustrating. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) acknowledges that some individuals may be unreasonably persistent or behave unacceptably when making complaints. They recommend that organisations like ours have policies in place to manage such behavior. However, if you believe you have been treated unfairly or unreasonably, you can always contact the PHSO to make a complaint.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all.

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